At 11:47 AM -0800 2/27/04, Kishor Pradhan wrote:

> Though the radio station is owned by Madanpokhara VDC, it is managed by
> a media committee board. The management board has 17 members from
> various fields, groups and organisations in the village, thus very well
> representing the various communities in Palpa.

I hated to snip that long and lovely post from Kishor Pradhan. He
preaches from the same choir book from which I too have been singing.

The one area that he might have added more of was the merits of radio in
the field of education. ICT now allows the easy capture of radio
programs broadcast far and wide. We all know that. What we don't know
enough about is the value of micro broadcasting - how much value is
added when the content of the broadcast is created by the students? how
much value when the listener is the grandmother, uncle, city official?
Like the Clint Eastwood example, if there is value in watching your
child stumble through a piano recital, how much value is there to
hearing her, and her classmates, on the radio?

I'm told by experts that the largest single factor in the learning
process is "family involvement". I think that's true. I also think the
second largest factor is "community value". Radio helps to knit the
community, not just for purposes of selling buffaloes or providing
weather forecasts. But also to promote the classroom -for the lucky
ones, inside four walls. For those less fortunate, inside their home
next to their one dollar radio. How much value for fund raising,
including tax collection, if the community, the school and the student
are all connected by way of the radio?

For those interested in pursuing this entire subject far more
comprehensively, please write to me directly.

I want to hold a Symposium on this in Eugene, Oregon in August. It has a
lot of promise and needs some smart people to knit it together ---in a
way where RESULTS, not talk, is the end game.

John W. Hibbs
Tel: In Eugene, Oregon 541 343 9389
       cell 619 804 0621

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