Dear GKD Members,

Initial Announcement: ICT Stakeholders' Forum: Special Focus on Least
Developed Countries, Mauritius, 7,8,9 July 2004

The Commonwealth Business Council in conjunction with the International
Telecommunications Union, the Government of Mauritius and the E-Africa
Commission (NEPAD) will be organising a three-day forum aimed at
bringing stakeholders together to examine concrete projects, proposals
and models which will help integrate least developed countries into the
global economy through the effective deployment of information
communication technologies (ICTs). The forum will bring under one roof,
decision makers from stakeholder organizations and engage them in
fruitful discussions that will hopefully lead to commitments that can be
implemented on the ground.

* The forum will include a mixture of plenary and multi-stakeholder
* On the first day there will be a "ministerial" session drawing on the
experiences and challenges facing LDCs; launch of a publication on
market opportunities in least developed countries' ICT sector; a scene
setting session; a private sector roundtable.
* The second day will focus primarily on discussing ICT projects and on
donor perspectives.
* The projects will cover: projects successfully completed; projects
that have made some headway but could do with additional stakeholder
support; proposals for new projects
* The forum will cover four broad areas: Infrastructure,
Education/Health, Universal Access and SME Development
* The projects will have been identified well in advance of the Forum
and a projects catalogue will be published

The goal is to find innovative solutions to the problem of
under-development and to set the stage for replicating solutions or
projects that have worked elsewhere in order to save time and resources
without having to re-invent the wheel. The idea is to move away from the
so-called "perpetual pilot project syndrome" to projects that can make a
difference on the ground.  This forum will provide a rare opportunity
for key stakeholders to come together not only to discuss, but to map
out practical strategies for deployment of ICT projects for development.
The Forum is a complete departure from past such forums where the end
product has tended to be reports, and expressions of commitment.

The goal of the Forum is to challenge delegates to provide real world,
deployable ICT solutions for development and to encourage practitioners
and high-level participants to brainstorm real world ICT driven
solutions, which will meet development challenges head-on.

We would encourage all stakeholders to attend this Forum and bring their
own unique perspective.  This is an initial announcement and there will
be further announcements in due course.

Please visit for
further details and to register your interest.



Commonwealth Business Council,
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