Discussion papers on the sticky issues of financing ICT initiatives in
developing countries and internet governance feed new WSIS phase

June 24 2004 -- The second phase of the World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS) - the first-ever UN conference on information and
communication - has started. Delegates are meeting in Hammamet, Tunisia
in the first 'prepcom' of phase two, and APC is amongst them. As input
to the debate of the issues that were most contentious during the first
stage of WSIS - internet governance and the financing for ICT initiatives
in developing countries - APC has commissioned discussion papers written
by civil society experts in the areas. You can download the papers from
the APC site. - APCNews


Financing the Information Society in the South: A Global Public Goods
By Pablo Accuosto (ITeM) and Niki Johnson, June 2004

This paper sets out to look at the question of financing the provision
of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the South,
within the context of the United Nationsí World Summit on the
Information Society, and advocates adopting a ìglobal public goodsî
perspective on the issue. The paper first examines how the question of
ICT financing has been debated during the WSIS preparatory process and
the first phase Summit (Geneva, December 2003). Particular attention is
paid to Senegalís proposal for the creation of a ìDigital Solidarity
Fundî, and the reactions to it of the different stakeholders ñ
governments, from both North and South, the private sector and civil
society ñ participating in WSIS. The following section explores the
potential for addressing the issue of financing ICT expansion from a
global public goods (GPG) perspective. First the authors provide an
overview of what such an approach means in conceptual terms, looking
both at general definitions of GPGs and the applicability of the concept
to ICTs. They then review the debate that has been taking place around
the specific issue of which existing or alternative innovative financing
mechanisms might be used for GPG provision, linking the proposed
strategies whenever possible to the ICT sector. Finally, in the
conclusions the authors offer a concrete proposal with respect to what
we consider to be the most appropriate financing mechanism for funding
expanded ICT access in the South. APC gratefully acknowledges the
funding support of CIDA.

Download in pdf in English

**Internet Governance**

Internet governance and the World Summit on the Information Society
By Adam Peake, June 2004

The purpose of this paper is to describe our current understanding of
the debate about Internet governance in WSIS, and to examine the main
policy issues that are being considered in that discussion. It also
suggests opportunities for developing nation stakeholders to contribute
to the processes that are defining the Internet governance landscape.
The key message is that there are opportunities for civil society to
engage and we must take them. Internet governance is one of the most
controversial and debated issues to come from the WSIS process. It is
also a moving target in that the UN working group that will help define
what Internet governance is, and identify the public policy issues
involved is only just being set up and we can only make a best guess at
its working methods and the scope of issues it will consider. As such
this paper is very much a work in progress and may be modified over the
coming months. APC gratefully acknowledges the funding support of CIDA.

Download in pdf in English

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