Dear Colleagues,

Two years ago I was involved in the development of a Water ressource
management system based on GIS technology. This was carried out for a
small NGO, which was interested in seeing if GIS could be a useful tool
for their work.

Since then I am interested in the existing and potential use of GIS by
NGOs (mostly in the developing world). I would like to know how
geo-technology and geo-data are used or could be used to support their
work. Do you already use GIS/geo-data within your projects? Did you
already have good or bad experiences? Would you like to use GIS but do
not know how? What kind of software do you use? Free tools, enterprise
systems? Where do you get your input data from? Commercial data, freely
available, field surveys?

After first searches in the internet I found that there are a few things
going on in the field of water management, but I think there are many
more possible applications, starting with project planning, natural
resource and wildlife management, conservancy, health services .... Do
you know any journals/online publications/links where the topic of GIS
use by NGOs is dealt with?

Thanks for your comments and help.

Gunter Zeug

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