Dear GKD Colleagues,

This is an interesting posting, and worth unpicking. Sam Lanfranco has
just posted a wonderfully incisive analysis of these 'offers'. Even the
much vaunted Simputer becomes questionable under this analysis.

I want to take Sam's analysis a little further.

(1) If these computers are so great, why aren't they being sold this side
of the digital divide? Can't people in the North/West also benefit from
these cheap computers? The answer is that it is not in the interests of
the hardware and software suppliers to sell us these, when we have been
so willingly (reluctantly?) buying much more expensive equipment, forced
upon us in a cycle of planned obsolescence of incompatible bloat-ware
releases. So what do they do to prevent it? They supply software that we
would not find useful, reduced Windows systems, limited software that
will not communicate across the divide. And meanwhile they attack the
potential open-sources that do deliver useful software. I yearn for
those days when office software was sufficient for my purpose and did
not fail from over-weight functionality.

(2) The objective of such enterprises is to give voice to the poor and
the marginalised, in precisely the same way that literacy programmes
can, and local community radio stations can. Sam points this out, but
lets emphasise this, enabling access to ICTs is not so much to enable
the South to access the 'truths' from the West, it is to enable 'truths'
to flow the other way. And to do that means we must recognise linguistic
diversity and support and respect that, so that the ICTs so cavalierly
being offered do work in other languages and scripts, and that there are
translation paths between languages, and there is support for those many
who are not literate.

This is a big enterprise, not a matter for $100 handouts from the West,
but an enterprise for us all on both sides of the digital divide to
combine our expertises and make it happen.

Pat Hall,
Global Initiative for Local Computing
Limerick University Ireland and Open University UK

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