UNDP-APDIP Releases China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Thailand
Country Reports on Internet Governance


APDIP's Open Regional Dialogue on Internet Governance initiative zooms
in on the Internet governance issues, priorities and challenges faced by
five countries in Asia.

The report results are drawn from extensive consultations and a survey
involving all stakeholders (government, the private sector and civil
society), and region-wide research undertaken over the past year, as
part of the Open Regional Dialogue on Internet Governance (ORDIG).

The reports show that all countries regard viruses, cyber attacks and
spam as the most pressing issues for Internet governance. Issues on
access, affordability, speed and reliability of the Internet feature
high on the list of concerns in India, Indonesia and Thailand. While in
India and Pakistan, more than two-thirds of the respondents regard the
availability of local language software and local content as urgent
concerns. Respondents from China are less concerned about this issue but
are significantly more dissatisfied than those in other Asia-Pacific
countries with the current system for allocating and managing IP
numbers. The reports also detail the governance issues and opinions
about two new and emerging technologies -- wireless Internet and
Internet telephony.

These are a mere sample of the multitude of Internet policy issues that
the reports examine. In the reports, all the various issues are grouped
under four dimensions:

1. infrastructure dimension, which covers issues of physical network
characteristics and roll-out

2. logical dimension, which comprises data routing and software
development topics

3. content dimension, which covers local and illegal content

4. social and development dimension, which covers topics related to the
development-oriented use of the Internet

Download ORDIG Country Reports:
China <http://igov.apdip.net/resources/China_Report.pdf>
India <http://igov.apdip.net/resources/India_Report.pdf>
Indonesia <http://igov.apdip.net/resources/Indonesia_Report.pdf>
Pakistan <http://igov.apdip.net/resources/Pakistan_Report.pdf>
Thailand <http://igov.apdip.net/resources/Thailand_Report.pdf>

Download other ORDIG Papers:
Input Paper <http://igov.apdip.net/ORDIG_Paper.pdf>
Policy Brief <http://igov.apdip.net/ORDIG_Policy_Brief.pdf>
Survey Report <http://igov.apdip.net/ORDIG.Survey.Report.pdf>
Online Forum Summary

Internet Governance Primer 
Internet Governance: Voices from the Asia Pacific - ICT4D Series 

Related Link:
Asia-Pacific Internet Governance Portal <http://igov.apdip.net>

ORDIG is an initiative of UNDP-APDIP in collaboration with the UN
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Asia
Pacific Network Information Centre, with support from the International
Development Research Centre of Canada.

Christine Apikul
Programme Specialist

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