Hello everyone,

As you might already know, Community Tech team at the Wikimedia Foundation
runs a Community Wishlist Survey every year to identify the needs of active
Wikimedia contributors. 2020’s Community Wishlist Survey
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2020> is focusing
on Wikimedia projects other than Wikipedia, Commons and Wikidata, in order
to serve smaller projects. The Community Tech team will work on the top 5
proposals voted by the community.

Some of you might know me already but let me reintroduce myself. I am
Satdeep Gill and I work in the Community Programs (GLAM) team at the
Wikimedia Foundation, and my work is heavily focused on supporting
Wikisource, a digital library of public domain and freely-licensed
texts. While many languages written in latin and similar scripts have had
transcription projects such as Project Gutenberg running for many decades,
Wikisource is the only transcription platform for many languages,
especially those which use non-latin scripts.

I have been working on documenting various pain points and case studies
around Wikisource and I will be coordinating with the Community Tech team
if any of the Wikisource-related proposals
get voted among the top 5 in Community Wishlist 2020. Voting runs until
December 2, 2019.

Based on a workshop I participated in recently with the Indic community at Wiki
Advanced Training 2019
organized by CIS-A2K <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CIS-A2K>, I have
created a list of top priorities for the Indic Wikisource community. This
might be useful to the global Wikisource/GLAM community in evaluating
Wishlist proposals, and I have identified specific proposals that closely
match these priorities. They are:


   Tools/scripts across various Wikisources - There are many scripts/tools
   that exist on some Wikisources and not on others. There isn’t enough
   documentation available to easily localize and integrate them in other
   Wikisources. (Similar to the proposal
   2020 proposal

   VisualEditor for Wikisource/Improving the Proofreading Interface -
   Wikisource uses a lot of templates and VisualEditor for Wikisource needs to
   be designed accordingly. (Similar to UI_improvements_on_Wikisource 2020

   Tool to integrate book viewing with pagelist creation and identity page
   scan errors - the workflow for creating pagelist could be improved by an
   integrated bookviewer for PDF/DJVU files improving the page identification
   experience and allowing for adding/removing errored pages from a scanned
   file. (Similar to the proposal Index creation wizard 2020 proposal

Check the entire report from the Wiki Advanced Training at the link given


Besides these, it might be worthwhile to consider the following proposal
around supporting inter-wiki links on Wikisource:


   Inter-language_link_support_via_Wikidata 2020 proposal

Once again, don't forget to vote on your favorite proposals before December
2, 2019 as the Community Tech team will be working on the top 5 voted

Feel free to reach out to me at sg...@wikimedia.org, in case you want to
discuss any of the above, or to further discuss needs and strategies for





Satdeep Gill (pronouns - he, him)

Program Officer

GLAM and Underrepresented Knowledge

Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
GLAM mailing list

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