Dear bug chasers,

ghc's latest version sometimes misses conflicting function definitions.
Consider the following *wrong* program:


> module Small                  (  module Small  )
> where

> data MinView t a              =  Min a (t a)
>                               |  Infty

> newtype ToppedTree a          =  P (MinView BinTree a)
> data BinTree a                =  Bin a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
>                               |  Empty

> P Infty         /\ u          =  P Infty
> t@(P (Min _ _)) /\ P Infty    =  P Infty
> P (Min a t)     /\ P (Min b u)
>     | a <= b                  =  P (Min a (Bin b u t))
>     | otherwise               =  P (Min b (Bin a t u))

> data Tree a                   =  Root a (Forest a)
>                               |  Void
> type Forest a                 =  [Tree a]

> Void          /\ u            =  Void
> t@(Root _ _)  /\ Void         =  Void
> t@(Root a ts) /\ u@(Root b us)
>     | a <= b                  =  Root a (u : ts)
>     | otherwise               =  Root b (t : us)


Note that /\ is defined twice at different types. 

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