
after succesfully compiling ghc 2.05 with ghc 0.29 on Linux (with Sven
Pannes Patch) I now do try to compile 2.05 with 2.05 and found some
small bugs. After doing this corrections it compiled without any
further problems.

I did not use the Readline-Lib. So I did not find any bugs relating to

My build settings are included within 3) as diff for config.mk.

Ciao, Stefan.
Stefan Westmeier                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Schaphuser Str. 24                                                    
D-28307 Bremen                             vox humana: +(49) 421 424001
Germany                                   fax machina: +(49) 421 424045

1) utils/FastString.lhs needs -monly-3-regs

*** fptools/ghc/compiler/Makefile       Thu Jul 31 10:37:30 1997
--- fptools/ghc/compiler/Makefile~      Sat Jul 26 10:10:14 1997
*** 212,216 ****
  utils/SST_HC_OPTS             = -fvia-C
  utils/PrimPacked_HC_OPTS      = -fvia-C -monly-3-regs
! utils/FastString_HC_OPTS      = -fvia-C -monly-3-regs
  utils/StringBuffer_HC_OPTS    = -fvia-C
  utils/Digraph_HC_OPTS         = -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C
--- 212,216 ----
  utils/SST_HC_OPTS             = -fvia-C
  utils/PrimPacked_HC_OPTS      = -fvia-C -monly-3-regs
! utils/FastString_HC_OPTS      = -fvia-C
  utils/StringBuffer_HC_OPTS    = -fvia-C
  utils/Digraph_HC_OPTS         = -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C

2) ImmAddr is imported qualified for compilers greater than 2.02:

*** fptools/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs Thu Jul 31 14:51:51 1997
--- fptools/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs~        Thu Jul 24 09:21:31 1997
*** 1134,1138 ****
        code = mkSeqInstrs []
!     returnUs (Amode (MachRegs.ImmAddr imm__2 (fromInteger i)) code)
      imm    = maybeImm x
--- 1134,1138 ----
        code = mkSeqInstrs []
!     returnUs (Amode (ImmAddr imm__2 (fromInteger i)) code)
      imm    = maybeImm x
*** 1168,1172 ****
        code = mkSeqInstrs []
!     returnUs (Amode (MachRegs.ImmAddr imm__2 0) code)
      imm    = maybeImm leaf
--- 1168,1172 ----
        code = mkSeqInstrs []
!     returnUs (Amode (ImmAddr imm__2 0) code)
      imm    = maybeImm leaf

3) I did not use build.mk. I prefer to change config.mk directly. So
here are my settings as a diff to the distributed config.mk.

*** config.mk   Wed Jul 30 16:07:12 1997
--- config.mk~  Wed Jul 30 16:05:41 1997
*** 139,143 ****
  GhcProjectPatchLevel =0
  GhcBuildeeVersion    =205
! GhcBuilderVersion    =205
--- 139,143 ----
  GhcProjectPatchLevel =0
  GhcBuildeeVersion    =205
! GhcBuilderVersion    =29
*** 166,171 ****
  #                          HC_ROJEMO_NHC
  #                          HC_UNSPECIFIED
! WithGhcHc = ghc-2.05
! Ghc2_0=YES
  # Unused, we think
  # WithGhcHcType=HC_GLASGOW_GHC
--- 166,171 ----
  #                          HC_ROJEMO_NHC
  #                          HC_UNSPECIFIED
! WithGhcHc = ghc-0.29
! Ghc2_0=NO
  # Unused, we think
  # WithGhcHcType=HC_GLASGOW_GHC
*** 181,185 ****
  #     -DDEBUG         include consistency/assertion checks in the compiled compiler
  #     -fshow-import-specs     show import specialisations
! GhcHcOpts=-O -H30M
  # GhcWithHscBuiltViaC - build GHC compiler proper (\`hsc') from .hc files?
--- 181,185 ----
  #     -DDEBUG         include consistency/assertion checks in the compiled compiler
  #     -fshow-import-specs     show import specialisations
! GhcHcOpts=
  # GhcWithHscBuiltViaC - build GHC compiler proper (\`hsc') from .hc files?
*** 223,232 ****
  # In addition to the normal sequential way, the default is to also build
  # profiled prelude libraries.
! GhcLibWays=mc
  # Option flags to pass to GHC when it's compiling prelude modules
  # Typically these are things like -O or -dcore-lint
  # The ones that are *essential* are wired into ghc/lib/Makefile
! GhcLibHcOpts= -O -H30M -split-objs -odir $(basename $*)
--- 223,232 ----
  # In addition to the normal sequential way, the default is to also build
  # profiled prelude libraries.
! GhcLibWays=p
  # Option flags to pass to GHC when it's compiling prelude modules
  # Typically these are things like -O or -dcore-lint
  # The ones that are *essential* are wired into ghc/lib/Makefile
! GhcLibHcOpts= -split-objs -odir $(basename $*)

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