
I had some problems like this when I did a Gransim 0.29 build from source
for Solaris  over the summer.  Basically, there were some poor make
dependencies (and I think some missing imports/exports on the lines
you've noted).  I eventually patched everything up.  Hans Loidl may be
able to give you a set of patches or I can possibly tar up my build tree
to send you (I won't have time to make a clean job of it, though -- you'd
just have to pick through the files!).


At 8:57 am 23/10/97, Nathan Charles wrote:
>I've been trying to compile ghc-0.29 with gransim enabled on both
>sparc-sun-sunos4 and linux-ELF, using ghc-0.29. Interestingly
>they both come up with the same type of errors, although in different
>places. Generally I get the following type of error:
>"utils/FiniteMap.hi", line 14: undefined type constructor: Reg
>Has anyone any idea what I need to do? Incidentally I think that this
>problem also occurs when I try to compile it without gransim enabled.

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