
last week someone here at our department installed a new gcc. We used
to have 2.7.2.x and we have now 2.8.1. Suddenly our sources we
compiled with ghc-2.10, ghc-3.00-1 and ghc-3.01 crashed. OK.

The old gcc can still be called as gcc.o. Exchanging gcc with gcc.o in
the ghc driver fixed this problem. Fine.

But ... now I tried to compile a new ghc-3.01 with the "fixed"
ghc-2.10 and guess ... it crashed :-(

How do I get out of this problem ? Do I have to proceed in a special
way during compiling the compiler --- I already tried to ways --- or
is it still not adopted to gcc 2.8.1 ?

Thanks, Stefan.
Stefan Westmeier                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BISS                                     vox humana: +(49) 421 218 4228
FB3 Uni Bremen                          fax machina: +(49) 421 218 3054

Stefan Westmeier                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Schaphuser Str. 24                        vox humana: +(49) 421  424001
D-28307 Bremen                           fax machina: +(49) 421  424045
Germany                                     cellular: +(49) 171 2672149    

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