Hi guys!

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Alastair Reid wrote:

> > Thinking about this more, the error msg has a familiar sound
> > to it.  Did you use 4.04 patchlevel 0 or 1 ? pl 0 has some
> > rts-ish probs which were fixed in pl1 (and of course in 4.06).
> The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 4.04, patchlevel 1
> My program is just a plain old compiler.  No concurrency, all I/O is
> through readFile and writeFile.  There is a little GreenCard stuff
> (the DFS library is just too slow when run under Hugs) - but it just
> marshalls Ints and the like (ie no foreigns or stables).
> It could take a few days to get 4.06 installed - I'll submit a request
> and get back to you.
I also managed to get the 'strange selectee' error but with number 27
instead while compiling.
The thing is that I'm running ghc 4.06 . The file I compiled was a Lex
generated file.


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