
         I get the following message error when compiling a Haskell
program with GHC.


Compilation Dump for: /usr/local/lib/ghc-4.08.1/hsc /tmp/ghc6065.cpp 2>>
erros -fglasgow-exts -fignore-interface-pragmas -fomit-interface-pragmas
-fsimplify [ -fmax-simplifier-iterations4 ]
-fwarn-overlapping-patterns -fwarn-missing-methods -fwarn-missing-fields
-fwarn-deprecations -fwarn-duplicate-exports -fhi-version=408 -static
"-himap-sep=:"     -hifile=/tmp/ghc6065.hi -olang=asm
-ofile=/tmp/ghc6065.s -F=/tmp/ghc6065_stb.c -FH=/tmp/ghc6065_stb.h +RTS
-H6000000 -K1000000

panic! (the `impossible' happened):
 cgEvalAlts: dodgy case of unboxed tuple type

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

      The source code that produces error is:


module MessagePassing where

import PackUnpack

foreign import forceSend :: Int# -> Int# -> IO ()
foreign import forceRecv :: Int# -> Int# -> IO ()

data Protocol t =>  H t = H (# Int#, t #)

class Empacotavel t => Protocol t where

      send :: Int# -> Int# -> t -> IO ()
      send trg# cha# v = pack' v >>
                         forceSend trg# cha#
                             pack' :: t -> IO ()
                             pack' v = return (I# (pack 0# v)) >>
                                       return ()

      recv :: Int# -> Int# -> IO t
      recv src# cha# = forceRecv src# cha# >>
                       unpack' 0#
                           unpack' :: Int# -> IO t
                           unpack' i# = return (H (unpack 0#)) >>= \ (H
(# _, v #)) ->
                                        return v

instance Protocol Int
instance Protocol Char
instance Protocol Float
instance Protocol Double
instance Protocol Bool
instance Protocol Integer
instance Protocol ()
instance Protocol t => Protocol [t]
instance Protocol a => Protocol (Maybe a)
instance (Protocol a, Protocol b) => Protocol (Either a b)
instance Protocol Ordering
instance (Integral a, Protocol a) => Protocol (Ratio a)
instance (Protocol a, RealFloat a) => Protocol (Complex a)
instance (Ix a, Protocol a, Protocol b) => Protocol (Array a b)
instance (Protocol t, Protocol u) => Protocol (t,u)
instance (Protocol t, Protocol u, Protocol v) => Protocol (t,u,v)
instance (Protocol t, Protocol u, Protocol v, Protocol w) => Protocol
instance (Protocol t, Protocol u, Protocol v, Protocol w, Protocol x) =>
Protocol (t,u,v,w,x)

instance Protocol Int8
instance Protocol Int16
instance Protocol Int32
instance Protocol Int64
instance Protocol Word8
instance Protocol Word16
instance Protocol Word32
instance Protocol Word64
--instance Protocol Dynamic
--instance (Ix ix, Protocol ix) => Protocol (ByteArray ix)
--instance (Ix ix, Protocol ix) => Protocol (MutableByteArray ix)


The  definition of the Empacotavel type class is presented below...

class Empacotavel t where

      pack :: Int# -> t -> Int#
      unpack :: Int# -> (# Int#, t #)

Heron de Carvalho

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