I've just upgraded to 4.08 (because I need to do some profiling)
and am in the process of rebuilding HDirect. I'm getting the following

    Couldn't match `AddrOff' against `Int'
        Expected type: AddrOff
        Inferred type: Int
    In the application `toInt i'
    In the second argument of `plusAddr', namely `(toInt i)'

    Couldn't match `AddrOff' against `Int'
        Expected type: AddrOff
        Inferred type: Int
    In the application `toInt d'
    In the first argument of `negate', namely `(toInt d)'

In the documentation for 4.04:

plusAddr           :: Addr -> Int -> Addr

Lines 103-4 in Pointer.lhs:

ptrInc i p        = p `plusAddr` (toInt i)
ptrDec d p        = p `plusAddr` (-(toInt  d))                                 

In the latest documentation:

plusAddr  :: Addr -> AddrOff -> Addr

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do?

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