> Hi,
>   After stripping down my code, I found the following fragments that
> reproduce the error. The code makes no sense though.
> Thanks,
> Saswat
> --Main.hs
> module Main(main) where
> import Bug
> main = buggy "strange"
> --Bug.hs
> module Bug(buggy) where
> buggy :: String -> IO ()
> buggy cs =  fun 1 cs
>   where 
>         fun _ [] = return ()
>       fun index s =  case index of
>                             0 -> do print "Wow"
>                                     fun 2 s
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> [saswat@localhost bug]$ touch *.hs
> [saswat@localhost bug]$ ghc -prof -auto-all Bug.hs Main.hs -o Main
> [saswat@localhost bug]$ touch *.hs
> [saswat@localhost bug]$ ghc -O2 Bug.hs Main.hs -o Main
> [saswat@localhost bug]$ touch *.hs
> [saswat@localhost bug]$ ghc -prof -auto-all -O2 Bug.hs Main.hs -o Main
> Main.hs:1:
>     Failed to find interface decl for `Bug.lit1'
>     from module `Bug'

The bug doesn't reproduce here, but I suspect it's due to the old
interface file from the previous compilation.  Does it go away if you
also remove the interface files between compilations?


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