
I really like your work and personally I do not have to complain,
but ghc urges me to "report it as a compiler bug":

ghc    -c -o LinkBase.o LinkBase.hs

 panic! (the `impossible' happened):
        Oversize heap check detected.  Please try compiling with -O.

        Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LinkBase.hs contains (automatically generated) biiig lists, and using
the "-O" flag solves the problem (especially therefore I have no complain ;-)

CU. Sacha

The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.
module LinkBase ( eaiTestbed ) where

import Graph
import Basic
import TestEAI

descriptors  = [982700148 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,3 ,982781661 ,982776050 ,982846460 ,982782612 
,982783758 ,982785238 ,982787252 ,982791556 ,982791679 ,982791929 ,982791991 
,982792055 ,982793660 ,982793776 ,982794015 ,982794193 ,982794294 ,982839449 
,982839624 ,982839714 ,982846737 ,982846866 ,982849752 ,982850657 ,982850856 
,982851051 ,982851165 ,982851743 ,982852957 ,982853183 ,982853407 ,982857871 
,982860487 ,982860558 ,982860623 ,982860710 ,982860790 ,982860843 ,982860966 
,982861040 ,982861132 ,982861286 ,982861365 ,982861457 ,982861938 ,982862112 
,982863848 ,982869223 ,982869336 ,982870651 ,982870907 ,982871104 ,983204454 
,983207778 ,983208157 ,983208271 ,983208383 ,983208466 ,983208523 ,983213272 
,983213513 ,983213553 ,983298457 ,983298759 ,983300321 ,983300397 ,983300480 
,983300549 ,983300629 ,983301126 ,983301292 ,983302459 ,983302622 ,983302666 
,983302718 ,983303518 ,983303590 ,983303732 ,983304018 ,983304190 ,983304290 
,983304339 ,983304401 ,983304845 ,983305287 ,983384250 ,983305401 ,983305469 
,983305541 ,983305633 ,983305691 ,983305745 ,983382467 ,983382775 ,983382841 
,983383160 ,983383320 ,983383401 ,983383476 ,983383554 ,983384300 ,983384565 
,983384675 ,983385350 ,983462268 ,983462364 ,983463680 ,983463861 ,983464533 
,983464550 ,984421284 ,982791807 ,984160171 ,984160256 ,984160712 ,984161746 
,984162005 ,984162066 ,984421101 ,984422088 ,984422150 ,984422231 ,984422529 
,984422792 ,984423188 ,984423575 ,984423534 ,984492371 ,984492620 ,984492724 
,984493467 ,984493623 ,984493986 ,984678553 ,984678754 ,984679468 ,984679516 
,984679593 ,984734055 ,984734140 ,984734733 ,984734889 ,984734967 ,985029939 
,985030442 ,985030505 ,985030666 ,985030775 ,985030880 ,985031143 ,985031249 
,985078307 ,985078421 ,985078978 ,985081053 ,985081127 ,985081979 ,985082199 
,985090266 ,985090361 ,985090440 ,985109241 ,985109290 ,985109670 ,985109748 
,985109844 ,985109952 ,985110433 ,985201496 ,985280275 ,985280434 ,985612082 
,985612125 ,985612547 ,985612731 ,985613063 ,985614498 ,985614559 ,985889795 
,985889628 ,985889728 ,985890151 ,985890672 ,985953519 ,985953809 ,985963711 
,985963813 ,985964585 ,985964670 ,985965919 ,985967983 ,985968049 ,986206362 
,986287885 ,986288230 ,986290112 ,986290803 ,986293160 ,986293264 ,986295033 
,986378194 ,986378431 ,986378622 ,986378785 ,986380059 ,986383736 ,986390701 
,986390819 ,986391090 ,986391200 ,986837733 ,6 ,1 ,982787338 ,983304586 ,984423356 , 
7777] -- Node 7777 is a dummy node which is removed immediately to eliminate dangling 
links. Dangling links where syntactically corrected through << sed s/,)/,7777)/g | sed 
s/(,/(7777,/g >>

associations = 
 -- Edges containing 7777 should be removed.

eaiTestbed = ( (delNodes [7777])
             ) preConst
    where preConst = mkGraph
                     (map eaiNienteLabelledNode descriptors)
                     (map (\n@(x,y) -> (x,y,())) associations)

-- eaiNienteLabelledNode :: Node -> LNode CollapsingTopicData
-- eaiNienteLabelledNode n = (n,(Doc (show n)))

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