2003年06月03日(火)の04時59分に Alastair Reid 曰く:
> On Monday 02 June 2003 7:20 pm, Alastair Reid wrote:
> > In preparation for a major release of Green Card, we are making an alpha
> > release for GHC folk to play with.

Thanks! I made an rpm package of it with ghc-6.0 built for Red Hat Linux


> This being an alpha release for a major upgrade to the system, you should 
> expect to find bugs in the documentation and packaging as well as in the 
> program and library itself.  All formsd of bug report are welcome but I 
> prefer either a bugfix or a cvs commit message.

Ok, I had to apply the patch below in order to be able to build it and
package it.  I assume the "HSHS" is just a typo?  The changes to the
ghc-pkg related rules are because file installation and ghc package
installation must be done separately when making a binary package. Let
me know if you need a changelog entry.

Cheers, Jens

--- gc-3.00/lib/Makefile~       2003-06-04 14:45:00.000000000 +0900
+++ gc-3.00/lib/Makefile        2003-06-04 14:45:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -46,24 +46,28 @@
 SRC_HC_OPTS    += -package-name $(PACKAGE)
-libHSHSgreencard.$(way_)a : Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)o Foreign/GreenCard_stub_ffi.o
+libHSgreencard.$(way_)a : Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)o Foreign/GreenCard_stub_ffi.o
        ar clqs $@ $^
 clean ::
        rm -f package.conf 
-       rm -f Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)o Foreign/GreenCard_stub_ffi.o 
+       rm -f Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)o Foreign/GreenCard_stub_ffi.o 
-install :: package.conf libHSHSgreencard.$(way_)a Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)hi
+install :: package.conf libHSgreencard.$(way_)a Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)hi
        install -D Foreign/GreenCard.gc $(libdir)/Foreign/GreenCard.gc
        install -D Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)hi $(libdir)/Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)hi
-       install -D libHSHSgreencard.$(way_)a $(libdir)/libHSHSgreencard.$(way_)a
+       install -D libHSgreencard.$(way_)a $(libdir)/libHSgreencard.$(way_)a
+install-pkg :: package.conf
        ghc-pkg --update-package --input-file=package.conf
-uninstall ::
+uninstall-pkg :: 
        ghc-pkg --config-file=$(libdir)/package.conf --remove-package=$(PACKAGE)
+uninstall :: 
        rm -f $(libdir)/Foreign/GreenCard.gc 
        rm -f $(libdir)/Foreign/GreenCard.$(way_)hi
-       rm -f $(libdir)/libHSHSgreencard.$(way_)a
+       rm -f $(libdir)/libHSgreencard.$(way_)a
 endif # GHC
 ifeq "x$(FOR_SYSTEM)" "xHUGS"

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