I suspect that may previous bug report on interactive interpreter 
should be replaced with the following one, which is simple to 
This is on

  installed from RPM on  Red Hat Linux release 7.3 (Valhalla),
  i-386 unknown.

Probably, you can reduce the example several times more.

  ghci Main +RTS -M1m -RTS

  ..> : Main
  ..> main
  (<interactive>: internal error: thread_stack: 
  weird activation record found on stack: 1564
  Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ..

Probably, the interpreter manages memory in a wrong way.
Can you reproduce the effect?


Serge Mechveliani

main = let xs = [1..9000]           -- change this number
                                    -- and see the message from ghc
           (x's, s1) = sortE compare xs
       putStr $ shows s1 "\n"

type CompValue    = Ordering
type Comparison a = a -> a -> CompValue

mergeE :: Comparison a -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a],Char)
  -- Extended merge:
  -- the transposition sign '+' | '-' is also accumulated.

mergeE cp xs ys = m xs ys $ evenL xs
  m []     ys     _  = (ys,'+')
  m xs     []     _  = (xs,'+')
  m (x:xs) (y:ys) ev = case  cp x y  of

    GT -> (y:zs, mulSign s ev)  where  (zs,s) = m (x:xs) ys ev
    _  -> (x:zs, s)         where  (zs,s) = m xs (y:ys) (invSign ev)

ortE :: Comparison a -> [a] -> ([a],Char)
                -- Extended sort:
                -- the permutation sign '+' | '-'  also accumulates.
sortE _  []  = ([] , '+')
sortE _  [x] = ([x], '+')
sortE cp xs  = let  (ys ,zs) = halve xs
                    (ys',s1) = sortE cp ys
                    (zs',s2) = sortE cp zs
                    (us ,s3) = mergeE cp ys' zs'
               in   (us, mulSign s3 $ mulSign s1 s2)

halve :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
halve    xs  = h [] xs xs  where
                           h ls (x:rs) (_:_:ys) = h (x:ls) rs ys
                           h ls rs     _        = (reverse ls, rs)

mulSign :: Char -> Char -> Char
mulSign    x       y    =  if  x==y  then '+'  else '-'

invSign :: Char -> Char
invSign    '+'  =  '-'
invSign    '-'  =  '+'

evenL :: [a] -> Char
evenL []     = '+'
evenL (_:xs) = invSign $ evenL xs

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