On 10 May 2004 12:28, Serge D. Mechveliani wrote:

> The DoCon application has many modules.
> In early versions `make' did the project with -Onot in less that  32Mb
> , and without restart.
> And  ghc-6.2.1  needs more the 90Mb for this.
> Therefore I suspect a space leak due to GC work between compiling
> modules. Only suspect.

That's useful info, thanks.

I found the segmentation fault bug, 6.2.2 will have the fix.

The build now falls over with an error (attached at the end of this

>>   - If you need to compile on small memory machines, I suggest you
>>     avoid --make, and use ordinary Makefiles or hmake instead.  Both
>>     of these will restart the compiler for each module, and hence
>>     avoid the behaviour you're seeing.  You might even get a speedup,
>>     because the compiler won't be forced to use the compacting GC
>>     all the time.
> No, `make' it is all right in any case.
> Simpler commands are preferable.
> It is was all right in earlier GHC, why should it become worse in
> fresh ones?
> It forces the user to repeat the `make' command.
> If so, then, evidently, the GHC driver can do such a repetition
> automatically, until it finishes making.

Restarting 'ghc --make' if it runs out of memory is a horrible solution!
If you need to compile under tight memory constraints, using GHC in
single-module compilation mode (or with hmake) is the right way.


    Could not deduce (EuclideanRing a)
        from the context (LinSolvRing (UPol (Pol a)),
                          LinSolvRing (Pol a),
                          CommutativeRing a,
                          CommutativeRing (UPol (Pol a)),
                          MulMonoid (UPol (Pol a)))
      arising from use of `gxBasis' at pol/Pol3_.hs:352
    Probable fix:
        Add (EuclideanRing a) to the class or instance method `gxBasis'
    In the first argument of `($)', namely `gxBasis'
    In a pattern binding:
        (gs, mt) = gxBasis $ (map (fromHeadVarPol . toOverP') fs)
    In the definition of `gxBasis':
        gxBasis (fs@(f : _))
                  = let
                      UPol _ p y dP = f
                      (o, n) = (pPPO p, genericLength $ (pVars p))
                      (toLex, fromLex) = (reordPol $ (lexPPO n),
reordPol o)
                      fromOverP' = (ct f) . ((map (\ (a, j) -> ...)) .
                      p' = toLex p
                      dP' = upLinSolvRing p' eFM
                      s' = cToUPol y dP' p'
                      toOverP' = (ct s') . ((map (\ (a, j) -> ...)) .
                      (gs, mt) = gxBasis $ (map (fromHeadVarPol .
toOverP') fs)
                      back = fromOverP' . (headVarPol dP)
                    in (map back gs, mapmap back mt)
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