"Simon Marlow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Prelude> System.system "ls" >>= print
*** Exception: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CMD.EXE: runCommand: does not exist
(No such fi le or directory)
Prelude> System.Cmd.rawSystem "ls" [] >>= print
_viminfo  getname.pl  index.html
Prelude> System.system "false" >>= print
*** Exception: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CMD.EXE: runCommand: does not exist
(No such fi le or directory)
Prelude> System.Cmd.rawSystem "false" [] >>= print
ExitFailure 1

Works for me! Remember that System.system is executing CMD.EXE, not Cygwin bash, so it'll probably have a different PATH and might not be able to find your Cygwin binaries. Both System.system "dir", and System.system "c:/cygwin/bin/ls" work for me.

There's no such thing as cmd.exe on Win9x, it's COMMAND.EXE/COM. Some System.Process.* code ought to be looking at the COMSPEC env variable and not hard-code the name of the command processor. However, I don't think COMMAND.EXE supports the /c switch...why the switch away from just using libc/msvcrt's system() for System.system?


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