Brian Smith wrote:
On 9/26/06, *Simon Marlow* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Brian Smith wrote:
     > The test always failed. When I decreased the number of threads in the
     > test from 5,000 to 1,400 or so, then the tests passed sometimes, and
     > sometimes failed. Decreasing the number of threads to under a
     > made the test pass consistently. IIRC, the test failed almost
     > immediately upon executing.

    conc023 creates 5000 threads that all do threadDelay with varying
    delays.  On Windows, with both the threaded and non-threaded
    runtimes, this results in 5000 OS threads being created, which is
usually enough to fill up your VM.

    I intend to fix this, at least in the threaded RTS, in fact it'll be
    part of the
    fix for  The I/O
    manager thread
    handles sleeps and signals, but currently isn't implemented on Windows.

It already passes in the threaded RTS and every other way except GHCi: normal, opt, optasm, prof, profasm, threaded1, and threaded2. That is what I thought was strange.

It's slightly odd that the test only runs out of memory in GHCi, but I doubt there's anything GHCi-specific about the problem, just probably GHCi needs more memory full stop.

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