#2363: getChar cannot be interrupted with -threaded
 Reporter:  simonmar        |          Owner:             
     Type:  bug             |         Status:  new        
 Priority:  high            |      Milestone:  6.10 branch
Component:  libraries/base  |        Version:  6.8.2      
 Severity:  normal          |     Resolution:             
 Keywords:                  |     Difficulty:  Unknown    
 Testcase:                  |   Architecture:  Unknown    
       Os:  Unknown         |  
Comment (by simonmar):

 Replying to [comment:1 judah]:
 > I was the original reporter of this problem.  I have worked around it by
 rewriting `myGetChar`:
 > {{{
 > myGetChar mv = do
 >     Control.Concurrent.threadWaitRead System.Posix.IO.stdInput
 >     c <- getChar
 >     putMVar mv (Just c)
 > }}}

 That's ok, as long as another thread doesn't call getChar right after your
 threadWaitRead, then your getChar will hang again (not likely, I imagine,
 but I've trained myself to spot race conditions :-).

 Another workaround is to put stdin into non-blocking mode,

 import System.Posix
 ... setFdOption stdInput NonBlockingRead True

 but then you risk problems that caused us to stop doing this in the first
 place (#724).

 > The problem with the original code was that `getChar` (and
 `hWaitForInput`) wrap foreign calls, which block the subthread they're run
 in and thus cannot be halted by `killThread`.  In contrast,
 `threadWaitRead` wraps a primop, so it does not have that problem.

 Actually in the threaded RTS `threadWaitRead` is not a primop, it's a
 communication with the IO manager thread.

 > This workaround is OK for now, but in my opinion all of the IO functions
 should be interruptible by default.  (And `threadWaitRead` uses `Fd`
 instead of `Handle` which is more convenient/portable.)

 I'm surprised you think that FD is more portable.  Windows doesn't have
 FDs except in a compatibility layer.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2363#comment:2>
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