#2544: Improve "Can't unify" error messages from type functions
    Reporter:  simonpj                  |       Owner:             
        Type:  bug                      |      Status:  new        
    Priority:  normal                   |   Milestone:  6.12 branch
   Component:  Compiler (Type checker)  |     Version:  6.8.3      
    Severity:  normal                   |    Keywords:             
  Difficulty:  Unknown                  |    Testcase:             
Architecture:  Unknown                  |          Os:  Unknown    
 Consider this example from a Haskell Cafe thread:
 data (:|:) a b = Inl a | Inr b

 class Ix i where
    type IxMap i :: * -> *
    empty  :: IxMap i [Int]

 data BiApp a b c = BiApp (a c) (b c)

 instance (Ix l, Ix r) => Ix (l :|: r) where
    type IxMap (l :|: r) = BiApp (IxMap l) (IxMap r)
    empty = BiApp empty empty
 This elicits the following confusing error message:
      Couldn't match expected type `IxMap l'
             against inferred type `IxMap i'
        Expected type: IxMap (l :|: r) [Int]
        Inferred type: BiApp (IxMap i) (IxMap i1) [Int]
      In the expression: BiApp empty empty
      In the definition of `empty': empty = BiApp empty empty
 As Alexander Dunlap responds, the error message is correct, but I can't
 help feeling that we should try harder to give a better error message.
 Something like "Since `IxMap` is a type function, knowing that `IxMap l` =
 `IxMap i` does not require that `l` = `i`".  Or something.

 This ticket is just to make sure we don't forget.  The thread is here


Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2544>
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