#7276: -fdefer-type-errors allows the types of quotations to be coerced, causing
segmentation fault
    Reporter:  parcs             |       Owner:                    
        Type:  bug               |      Status:  merge             
    Priority:  normal            |   Milestone:                    
   Component:  Compiler          |     Version:  7.6.1             
    Keywords:                    |          Os:  Unknown/Multiple  
Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple  |     Failure:  Compile-time crash
  Difficulty:  Unknown           |    Testcase:  th/T7276          
   Blockedby:                    |    Blocking:                    
     Related:                    |  

Comment(by parcs):

 I think I found the underlying issue: when the inferred type and actual
 type of a TH bracket don't match, the TH bracket does not get replaced
 with a call to `error`. Instead, the bracket is just coerced to whatever
 type it's expected to be, e.g.:

 > let a = [| True |] :: Int
 > a

 instead of:

 > let a = [| True |] :: Int
 > a
 *** Exception: <interactive>:2:9:
     Couldn't match type `Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Q
 (deferred type error)

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7276#comment:6>
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