#7432: haddock : panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
Reporter:  erikd          |          Owner:           
    Type:  bug            |         Status:  new      
Priority:  normal         |      Component:  Compiler 
 Version:  7.7            |       Keywords:           
      Os:  Linux          |   Architecture:  powerpc64
 Failure:  Runtime crash  |      Blockedby:           
Blocking:                 |        Related:           
 On linux-powerpc64:

 *** Core Lint warnings : in result of Desugar (after optimization) ***
 {-# LINE 812 "compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs #-}: Warning:
     [RHS of $c>>_arNji :: forall a_a3Rz b_a3RA.
             TidyPgm.DFFV a_a3Rz -> TidyPgm.DFFV b_a3RA ->
                  TidyPgm.DFFV b_a3RA]
     INLINE binder is (non-rule) loop breaker: $c>>_arNji

 haddock: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version 7.7.20121119 for powerpc64-unknown-linux):
         mkWWcpr: not a product
 <<details unavailable>>

 Please report this as a GHC bug: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug

 make[1]: *** [compiler/stage2/doc/html/ghc/ghc.haddock] Error 1
 make: *** [all] Error 2

 Possibly related to #7267.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7432>
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The Glasgow Haskell Compiler

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