Replying by email, since my account on the trac is blocked.

Open Shake implements the finer resolution timestamps needed using the Win32 
API.  You may want to copy/adapt the code from there:


On 3 Dec 2012, at 13:01, GHC wrote:

> #7473: getModificationTime gives only second-level resolution
> -----------------------------+----------------------------------------------
> The `System.Directory.getModificationTime` function only returns time with
> second-level granularity. This is no good for applications like `ghc
> --make` where we need to compare file timestamps.
> The fix should be simple, here's a patch (compiles but not tested) that
> should fix it for Unix, for Windows we will need a different fix, probably
> using the Win32 API directly, rather than the mingw C api.

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