> Frank A. Christoph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes: 
> First, a CVS question.  I am a real CVS novice so bear with me.
> I finally managed to use CVS to get the current 4.02 GHC 
> distribution (and to compile it! :). Now, I understand how 
> one can create recursive diffs between versions, but if I 
> understand correctly, not every change counts as a "release 
> version change", i.e., for the whole tree, not just a file. 
> Is it possible to create a diff between my local tree and the 
> current state of the tree in the repository? (I copied the 
> tree elsewhere, somewhere I can't use CVS, and so I want to 
> make a diff so that I don't have to copy the whole thing 
> every time there is a change.)

Assuming you know the date at which you checked out a copy,
something like the following should do the trick:

  cvs diff -D 01/30/99 -r HEAD

This requires you to have two copies of your CVS tree
though, the off-line one and one you can use to invoke
'cvs diff's from.

> Second, I know that you need the Cygnus distribution to run 
> GHC on Win32. My question is, do you also need it to run 
> GHC-produced executables?

Yes, afraid so. However, I'm currently testing some changes I've
made to drop that DLL dependency. Included in that batch of
changes is the support for generating & using DLLs too.
(prepare for ghc compiled binaries of less than 10k in size :-)


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