Alex Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

> Since ghc-4.04 confuguration insists one has Happy v1.6, has this
> actually been released?  I see no link to it from the usually suspect
> sites.

AFAIK it is still in pre-release mode (and everybody -
except me *sniff* - is in Paris this week attending ICFP and
the Haskell workshop).  If you are using Linux, you can get
the binary and source rpms of the 1.6 pre-release from my
ftp server

> If it's Imminent, can a make the modest suggestion that it have a
> standalone makefile in it?  Having to slot it into a ghc source
> build tree has always struck me as both inconvemient, and overkill.

It already builds on its own.  All Glaswegian FP software
uses the the same `fptools' environment of makefiles and
such, but you can slot each component (being it GHC or
Happy) on its own into the `fptools' harness and build it
(the source tar files usually contain `fptools' plus one
component, and thus, are self-sufficient).

If you don't use Linux or just want to build it on your own
for fun, getting the stuff out of CVS is really easy;

describes how.  If you don't have CVS, I can provide you
with a tar file _and_ you should definitely have a serious
word with your systems administrator.


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