Hi Fergus.

> > > data OrdFuncExist = OE (Ord a => Char -> a)
> > 
> That's not the syntax for a existential type,
> that's the syntax for a universally quantified type
> with rank-2 polymorphism.  With that syntax, the
> argument of `OE' must be a polymorphic function
> with type `forall a . Ord a => Char -> a'.

That would explain a lot.  There seems to be a discrepancy between ghc
and the ghc user-guide, in that event.

> Is this supposed to be a heterogenous list,
> or a homogeneous list?

Sorry, I should have been a tad less terse:  it's intended to be
a homogeneous list, else the maximum wouldn't be well-typed.

> Hmm, I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve here...
> but perhaps you just need to add
>       instance Ord AnyOrd where
>               compare (MkAnyOrd x) (MkAnyOrd y) = compare x y
> to make it work.

I haven't tried this, but this is unwrapping two (potentially)
_different_ types, and then trying to compare them, isn't it?
(Been there, done that, didn't like the type errors, in a previous
brush with existential types...)


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