My confusion surrounding exceptions in the IO monad comes from the fact 
that IO failures and "bottom" are not cleanly separated. I had always 
assumed the IO monad looked something like this:

     newtype IO a = IO (RealWorldState -> Either IOFailure 

     return a = IO (\r -> Right (r,a))
     fail s = IO (\r -> Left (userFailure s))

This would make sense, I think, because it's so easy this way for 
Prelude.catch to catch all IOFailures but leave pure "bottom" exceptions 
alone, just as the report says. But in fact IO looks more like this:

     newtype IO a = IO (RealWorldState -> (RealWorldState,a))

     return a = IO (\r -> (r,a))
     fail s = IO (\r -> throw (userError s))

...which means Prelude.catch has to separate out exceptions caused by 
"fail" from those caused by error, etc. and there's confusion between 
"bottom" and exceptions that happen entirely in IO.

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
-- ghc -package lang TestException.hs -o TestException && ./TestException
module Main where
        import IORef;
        import qualified Exception;

        getPureException :: a -> IO (Maybe Exception.Exception);
        getPureException a = (Exception.catch (seq a (return Nothing)) (return . 

        showIOS :: String -> IO String -> IO ();
        showIOS s ios = do
                putStr (s ++ ": ");
                mpe <- getPureException ios;
                case mpe of
                        Just pe -> putStrLn ("pure exception ("++ (show pe) ++")");
                        Nothing -> Exception.catch (Prelude.catch (do
                                result <- ios;
                                mrpe <- getPureException result;
                                case mrpe of
                                        Just pe -> putStrLn ("returned pure exception 
("++ (show pe) ++")");
                                        Nothing -> putStrLn ("value ("++ (show result) 
                                }) (\e -> putStrLn ("IO failure (" ++ (show e) ++")")) 
                                (\e -> putStrLn ("IO other exception (" ++ (show e) 

        evaluate' :: a -> IO a;
        evaluate' a = a `seq` return a;

        evaluate'' :: a -> IO a;
        evaluate'' a = (Exception.catch (seq a (return a)) (\e -> fail (show e)));

        main :: IO ();
        main = do
                putStrLn "* value";
                showIOS "return text"                                           
(return "text");
                showIOS "return undefined >> return text"       (return undefined >> 
return "text");
                putStrLn "";

                putStrLn "* returned pure exception";
                showIOS "return undefined"                                      
(return undefined);
                showIOS "return (seq undefined text)"           (return (seq undefined 
                showIOS "return () >> return undefined"         (return () >> return 
                showIOS "return undefined >>= return"           (return undefined >>= 
                putStrLn "";

                putStrLn "* IO failure";
                showIOS "fail text"                                                    
 (fail "text");
                showIOS "ioError (userError text)"                      (ioError 
(userError "text"));
                putStrLn "";

                putStrLn "* IO other exception";
                showIOS "undefined >> return text"                      (undefined >> 
return "text");
                showIOS "return () >> undefined"                        (return () >> 
                showIOS "ioError (ErrorCall text)"                      (ioError 
(Exception.ErrorCall "text"));
                showIOS "ioError (AssertionFailed text)"        (ioError 
(Exception.AssertionFailed "text"));
                putStrLn "";

                putStrLn "* pure exception";
                showIOS "undefined"                                                    
                showIOS "seq undefined (return text)"           (seq undefined (return 
                showIOS "seq undefined (return undefined)"      (seq undefined (return 
                showIOS "error text"                                            (error 
                showIOS "throw (userError text)"                        
(Exception.throw (userError "text"));
                showIOS "throw (ErrorCall text)"                        
(Exception.throw (Exception.ErrorCall "text"));
                showIOS "throw (AssertionFailed text)"          (Exception.throw 
(Exception.AssertionFailed "text"));
                putStrLn "";

                putStrLn "* evaluate functions";
                showIOS "evaluate undefined"                            
(Exception.evaluate undefined);
                showIOS "evaluate' undefined"                           (evaluate' 
                showIOS "evaluate'' undefined"                          (evaluate'' 

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