Ah, I'd definatly like to request it for GHC. as well as a version in
the IO monad, I have wanted both on various occasions.

On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 12:55:35PM +0000, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> Kirsten Chevalier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'd like to be able to determine the percentage of allocated objects of
> > a particular type at specific points in a program's execution. I know
> > that I can use heap profiling to create a graph of memory usage broken
> > down by type, but is there any way to record this information at
> > particular points in the program (i.e., between two statements in a
> > do-expression)?
> If you were using nhc98, then you could use the following:
>     import NonStdProfile
>     f ... = do ...
>                profile "point A" actionA
>                profile "point B" actionB
> The non-standard operation
>     profile :: String -> a -> a
> places a labelled marker line on the profile graph at the time instant
> when the value is demanded.
> I don't know whether ghc has anything similar?
> Regards,
>     Malcolm
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