On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 09:33:29AM -0800, Hal Daume III wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using POpen to shell out to a command several hundreds or thousands of 
> times per call (none of them simultaneous, though, this is completely 
> serial).  After running my program for a while, I get:
> Fail: resource exhausted
> Action: forkProcess
> Reason: Resource temporarily unavailable
> which basically seems to be telling me that the program hasn't been 
> closing the old processes, even though they're definitely not in use 
> anymore.
> Does anyone have any suggestions how to get around this?

I had a similar problem, and finally I created my own solution that
doesn't leave zombies and doesn't block when the launched process writes
too much to stderr.

I tested it in GHC 6.0. For 6.2 you'd have to change the use of


  launch :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO (ProcessStatus, String, String)

  (status, out, err) <- launch prog args progInput


*Shell> (status, out, err) <- launch "tr" ["a-z", "A-Z"] 
                                    (unlines (replicate 10000 "Haskell"))
*Shell> status
Exited ExitSuccess
*Shell> length out
*Shell> mapM_ putStrLn (take 10 (lines out))

Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
module Shell where

import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import IO

launch :: String -> [String] -> String -> IO (ProcessStatus, String, String)
launch prog args inputStr = do
    (childIn, parentIn) <- createPipe
    (parentOut, childOut) <- createPipe
    (parentErr, childErr) <- createPipe

    forkProcess >>= \pid -> case pid of
        Nothing -> do -- child
            closeFd parentIn
            closeFd parentOut
            closeFd parentErr
            closeFd 0 -- FIXME: What if some of 0,1,2 are already closed?
            closeFd 1
            closeFd 2
            childIn `dupTo` 0
            childOut `dupTo` 1
            childErr `dupTo` 2
            closeFd childIn
            closeFd childOut
            closeFd childErr
            executeFile prog True args Nothing
            fail "launch: executeFile failed"

        Just child -> do -- parent
            closeFd childIn
            closeFd childOut
            closeFd childErr

            input <- fdToHandle parentIn
            output <- fdToHandle parentOut
            err <- fdToHandle parentErr

            outputCS <- hGetContents output
            errCS <- hGetContents err

            outputMV <- newEmptyMVar
            errMV <- newEmptyMVar
            inputMV <- newEmptyMVar

            forkIO $ hPutStr input inputStr >> hClose input >> putMVar inputMV ()
            forkIO $ foldr seq () outputCS `seq` hClose output >> putMVar outputMV ()
            forkIO $ foldr seq () errCS `seq` hClose err >> putMVar errMV ()

            takeMVar outputMV
            takeMVar errMV
            takeMVar inputMV

            mStatus <- getProcessStatus True False child

            case mStatus of
                Nothing -> fail "launch: can't get child process status"
                Just stat -> return (stat, outputCS, errCS)

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