I would like to see your code indeed ...
it seems the attachment was missing.

Anyway, I am not sure if it obvious or not,
but heterogenously typed lists can be nicely
modelled with Data.Typeable (!!!) I guess we
should add something like this to the module?

See http://www.cs.vu.nl/boilerplate/testsuite/hlist.hs
or the inlined code below


-- Heterogeneously typed lists
data HList = HNil
           | forall a. Typeable a => HCons a HList

-- The empty list
initHList :: HList
initHList = HNil

-- Add an entry
addHList :: Typeable a => a -> HList -> HList
addHList a l = HCons a l

-- Test for an empty list
nullHList :: HList -> Bool
nullHList HNil = True
nullHList (HCons _ _) = False

-- Retrieve head by type case
headHList :: Typeable a => HList -> Maybe a
headHList HNil = Nothing
headHList (HCons a _) = cast a

-- Retrieve head by type case
tailHList :: HList -> HList
tailHList HNil = error "tailHList"
tailHList (HCons _ l) = l

-- Access per index; starts at 1
nth1HList :: Typeable a => Int -> HList -> Maybe a
nth1HList i l | i < 1 || i == 0 && nullHList l = error "nth1HList"
nth1HList 1 l = headHList l
nth1HList i l = nth1HList (i-1) (tailHList l)


-- A demo list
mylist = addHList (1::Int)       $
         addHList (True::Bool)   $
         addHList ("42"::String) $

-- Main function for testing
main = print   ( show (nth1HList 1 mylist :: Maybe Int)    -- shows Maybe 1
             , ( show (nth1HList 1 mylist :: Maybe Bool)   -- shows Nothing
             , ( show (nth1HList 2 mylist :: Maybe Bool)   -- shows
Maybe True
             , ( show (nth1HList 3 mylist :: Maybe String) -- shows
Maybe "42"


I needed a list which could handle items of different types for the database code I am writing. I have written a module implementing such a list based on dependant types (from Conor McBride: Faking It; Simulating Depandant Types in Haskell). Although McBride does not mention lists/vectors with items of differing types, the solution to implementing them came from his 'nthFront' function for re-arranging the order of arguments to a function.

Any type can be inserted into the list, which supports head/tail/init/last, as well as indexed lookup, and a cartesian-product (concatenating two lists together). I have included fromTuple/toTuple as well.

This seems quite a useful construct, and if there is nothing similar in the standard libraries at the moment, do you think this is worth including?

   Keean Schupke.
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