Sorry, this is the compiler error I get:

No instances for (KeyHasValue MyKeyVal k' v',
                     Datasource.Tools.FakePrelude.TypeEq Float k' z,
                     Datasource' z [MyKeyVal] [MyKeyVal] Float Int)
When I am trying to do

 do { createJoinedDS' x x;
         (joined,(v::Maybe Int)) <- _dsread joined (2.0::Float);

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Hi Keean,

First of all, thank you for your answers. I have tried your solution using TypeEq.

instance (Datasource l k' v', TypeEq k k' z, Datasource' z l r k v) =>
Datasource (JoinedDS l r) k v where
_dsread (JoinedDS refl refr) k = do { l <- readIORef refl;
r <- readIORef refr; (z,l,r,v) <- _dsread' (l,r) k;
writeIORef refl l;
writeIORef refr r;
return (JoinedDS refl refr, v);

class Datasource' z l r k v | l r k -> v where
 _dsread'  :: (l,r) -> k -> IO (z,l,r,Maybe v)
 _dswrite' :: (l,r) -> k -> v -> IO (z,l,r)
instance Datasource l k v => Datasource' HTrue  l r k v where
 _dsread' (l,r) k = do { (l,v) <- _dsread l k;
                         return (hTrue, l, r, v);
instance Datasource r k v => Datasource' HFalse l r k v where
 _dsread' (l,r) k = do { (r,v) <- _dsread r k;
                         return (hFalse, l, r, v);

This compiles.

I cannot, however, include type z in the fundep of Datasource', since this conflicts with Datasource ds k v | ds k -> v. Furthermore, I do not understand how the key and value types of my right datasource (r k v) is bound to the instance of Datasource (JoinedDS l r) k v, since in the premisse (Datasource l k' v', TypeEq k k' z, Datasource' z l r k v), nothing is said about Datasource r k'' v''. However, I could be wrong in this, since Datasource r k v is in the premisse of instance Datasource r k v => Datsource' HFalse l r k v.

However, my problem is, that when I use this code:

do {joined <- createJoinedDS' x y;
     (joined,(v::Maybe Int)) <- _dsread joined (2.0::Float);

{- | Easy constructor -}
createJoinedDS :: (IORef left) -> (IORef right) -> JoinedDS left right
createJoinedDS left right = JoinedDS left right
createJoinedDS' :: left -> right -> IO (JoinedDS left right)
createJoinedDS' l r = do { left <- newIORef l;
                          right <- newIORef r;
                          return (createJoinedDS left right);

the compiler will complain:

 Could not deduce (Datasource' z1 l r k v)
     from the context (Datasource (JoinedDS l r) k v,
                       Datasource l k' v',
                       TypeEq k k' z,
                       Datasource' z l r k v)
     arising from use of `_dsread''

It seems to be the case that it cannot decide on the type of z.

Would you know how to solve this?



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