Dear all,

Yesterday I darcs-got the GHC HEAD to play with the debugger and I have the following impressions/bug/suggestions:

* I would like to know whether I am debugging mode (i.e. in a breakpoint) or not. For example

> *Main>  -- normal prompt

and, for example,

> *Main:[1] >  -- in breakpoint 1

now, if I evaluate expression "e" via "seq e ()" and it happens to trigger breakpoint 2, I would like to see something like

> *Main:[1]:[2] >

or some better notation, but you get my point.

* The notation for printing a list is non-Haskell, consider the following evaluated head but unevaluated tail:

> *Main> :print xs
> xs = [True | (_t2::[Bool])]

I would have expected "True : (_t2::[Bool])"

* Consider the following code:

> mymap f [] = []
> mymap f (x:xs) = f x:mymap f xs
> main = mapM_ putStrLn $ mymap ('a':) ["hello","bye"]

First, I set a breakpoint on line two. When I invoke "main", the breakpoint is triggered two times before "main" is done evaluating. Afterwards, If I type "main" at the ghci prompt again, the breakpoint is not triggered anymore! Even though ":show breaks" lists it.

* Again considering the code above, if I break at line 2:

> Stopped at FreeVar2.hs:2:17-19
> x :: GHC.Base.Unknown
> f :: t -> a
> xs :: [GHC.Base.Unknown]

Now I type "f" and the following message appears:

> *** Exception: No match in record selector Var.tcTyVarDetails

* I was wondering whether it would be nice to have a "break" function/ primitive, so that you can write:

> mymap f [] = []
> mymap f (x:xs) = (break (f x):mymap f xs)

with "break" having type "a -> a" and inserting a breakpoint around the argument expression. It is handy to not have to recalculate lines. However I am not so sure anymore. Using line numbers is not as bad as I thought.

The debugger is a nice addition to GHC, and I look forward to the debugger being integrated into the Emacs Haskell mode!



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