Hi Bulat,

Wednesday, May 2, 2007, 7:00:05 PM, you wrote:
> {-# NOINLINE wrapIO #-}
> wrapIO x = unsafePerformIO (x >>= return)

-fno-cse ? it's usual company for unsafePerformIO+NOINLINE :)

No luck, alas. A slightly tweaked version, which is slightly simpler
and still gives the same behaviour is below.




main = p_System_IO_hGetChar undefined `seq` p_System_IO_hGetChar 12
`seq` putStrLn "done"

foreign import ccall "stdio.h getchar" getchar :: IO Word8

{-# NOINLINE p_System_IO_hGetChar #-}
p_System_IO_hGetChar h   = trace "i am here" $
   unsafePerformIO  (getchar >>= \c -> print c >> return (if c ==
(-1) then 0 else chr_ c))

chr_ = fromEnum
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