In order to make my records system practically useable, I need a type family

>    type family NameCmp n m

which totally orders datatypes. More precisely, it should return one of the
following types:

>    data NameLT = NameLT
>    data NameEQ = NameEQ
>    data NameGT = NameGT

for each pair of datatypes n & m, according to whether n < m, n = m, or n > m in some global ordering. This ordering needs to be independent of the context, so it can't be affected by whatever imports there are in the current module.

What I want to know is: does GHC give datatypes any global id I could use to
generate such an ordering? Would fully qualified names work?

Secondly (assuming it's possible) how easy would it be for me to write a patch
to add NameCmp to GHC? Where in the source should I start looking?



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