Thomas M. DuBuisson wrote:
Ian and I talked about possibly trying a different time - 9pm UK time, which would be slightly less friendly to us in the UK (I have my work/life balance to think about you know :-) but more friendly to people in the US.
I, for one, am happy with the current time; changing it should always be an 
option though.

For this week's discussion, one topic on the table is whether to switch version control systems, which I'm sure will make for a lively debate :)
Perhaps we could have an ever evolving wiki page with the
when/where/agenda/logs.  I've started a rough one [1]; I put it in the
general Haskell wiki because these topics certainly aren't confined to



Hmm, well I did intend these meetings to be focussed mainly on issues relating to GHC, rather than a general Haskell discussion which could be held on #haskell separately.

By all means start a more general Haskell meeting too, but I want to keep this one for GHC. The VCS debate is about what system GHC should use, not the community as a whole. The HLP discussion is on topic because it is so closely related to how we release/package/ship GHC.

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