Jeff Polakow wrote:
However, I don't see
how they are not equivalent (in the presence of impredicative polymorphism) since I can write
derivations for both

    forall b. (b -> String /\ Int)  |-  (forall b. b -> String) /\ Int


    (forall b. b -> String) /\ Int  |-  forall b. (b -> String /\ Int)

in intuitionistic logic.

(Side-stepping your main point, rather, which I think Chris K answered correctly)

This is a non-sequitur.

The fact that A |- B and B |- A does not make them the same type. It makes them isomorphic types.

I can prove

(A \/ B) /\ C -| |- (A /\ C) \/ (B /\ C)

but that doesn't mean "(Either a b,c)" and "Either (a,c) (b,c)" are the same haskell type.

It does mean they are isomorphic types, neglecting bottoms.

But isomorphic types are not the same type, for the type checker!


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