Hi Jason,

On Nov 21, 2008, at 8:09 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:28 AM, Manuel M T Chakravarty
Jason Dagit:

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 5:36 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty

Ian Lynagh:

On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 09:02:12PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

On 2008 Nov 4, at 20:26, Jason Dagit wrote:

On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty

Are you sure it does deinstall the 6.8 compiler?

After installing 6.10, there should be a 608/ and a 610/
directory.  This
certainly happens on my Mac and I am not aware of an option to
change that

I expect if you used the OSX installer then /Library/Receipts is
screwing you (it wipes the old files listed in the .bom file). Try
finding and removing the receipt directory and bom file before

The only file I can see that looks relevant is
/Library/Receipts/boms/ org.haskell.glasgowHaskellCompiler.ghc.pkg.bom

Wouldn't removing it make uninstall impossible?

In fact, if you did manage to get 2 versions installed, how would
know which version to uninstall? Wouldn't it only know how to uninstall
the version it came with? I'd suggest that the overlapping file
"Uninstaller" could be why the older version gets removed, but that
wouldn't explain why Manuel can install both at once.

A current limitation of the MacOS package system is that it does not
support uninstalling of packages; cf

http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/SoftwareDistribution/Managed_Installs/chapter_5_section_7.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/10000145i-CH6-DontLinkElementID_29

This is not a big drama on MacOS, as MacOS encourages the distribution of
software packages as "bundles":


This essentially means that instead of sprinkling files all over the file system (as is common in other OSes), MacOS applications and frameworks (Mac-speak for libraries) are kept in a single directory. Uninstalling then
means doing an rm -rf on that directory.

Unfortunately, some applications (including GHC and Apple's Xcode IDE) can't be entirely contained in a single directory. In the case of GHC, we
want symlinks in /usr/bin.  The established way of uninstalling such
applications is by supplying an Uninstaller script, just as I did for GHC.
(Apple does the same for Xcode.)

The purpose of the Uninstaller script is too completely remove
GHC.framework from a machine - not just to remove one version. In fact, if more than one version of GHC is installed, the Uninstaller will refuse to run and require the manual removal of all versions, but the current (easily
achieved by a "rm -rf
/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/<version>"). The main feature of
the Uninstaller script is to get rid of all symlinks pointing into
GHC.framework. The framework itself is just deleted by a "rm -rf" as
expected.  (It also removes the above mentioned receipt file.)

So, to directly answer the above questions:
* The package manger (which uses the receipts) can't uninstall and the uninstaller script doesn't need the receipt. So, even after deleteing the
receibt, you can still uninstall.
* The Uninstaller can uninstall any version (at least as long as no
symlinks are put into new directories outside of the bundle that the
Uninstaller doesn't know about).

Is there an update on this thread? I would still like to have my cake and
eat it too, meaning ghc 6.8.3 and ghc 6.10.1.  As far as I know the
installer hasn't been updated and if I try again I will lose my copy of

Sorry, but for the moment, my (rather limited knowledge) of the
MacOS packaging system is exhausted, and currently I don't have the time to search the web or experiment to try to learn more. It would be helpful to have the input of somebody who has more experience with MacOS packages.

Okay.  That's fine, the OSX installer system sounds odd.  I don't want
to fight with it myself.  I just want to upgrade ghc and I was getting
pressure to do so and I tried the .tar.bz version, but I had some
annoying experiences that I can share.

So, the page here:

Has only this as installation instructions:
This is a binary distribution for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), prepared by
Christian Maeder. It needs libedit.2.dylib, libncurses.5.dylib and
libgmp.3.dylib under /opt/local/lib/.

I had no idea how to do the install or how to satisfy the
requirements.  By pestering others I learned that you install
libraries into /opt/local using MacPorts.  The next challenge was
learning what to do with the .tar.bz file once it was downloaded.  I
found an INSTALL file inside the tarball with some instructions
thankfully.  I wish the download page said something about this.  It
was quite a mystery.  I only looked in the tarball because I was
frustrated.  I don't like downloading and untarring things if i don't
know what to expect inside them.

But, I still think I did something wrong because the first thing I
tried to build with 6.10 complained that -lgmp was not found.  I have
checked, it's installed and I saw the ./configure script for the 6.10
installation find it.

Quite baffling.

I guess I'm stuck on 6.8.3 for a while longer.


The latest MacPorts ghc 6.10.1 fixes a number of build bugs and might work for you. It builds on ppc/Tiger, i386/Leopard and i386/Tiger. ppc/ Leopard still fails, but I now have an account on a machine that I can use to test and debug.

If you could send a detailed log of the failure to find "-lgmp" I would appreciate it. I've fixed two different bugs involving the library path that caused this symptom. It would be good to know if your failure is covered by the existing patches.

I'll send the patches upstream along with bug tickets in the next few days.

Best Wishes,

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