[Redirecting to GHC users.]

| Tom Schrijvers wrote:
| > The cyclic dictionaries approach is a bit fragile. The problem appears to
| > be here that GHC alternates exhaustive phases of constraint reduction and
| > functional dependency improvement. The problem is that in your example you
| > need both for detecting a cycle.

The whole thing relies on "spotting a loop", and that's inherently a bit 
fragile. I don't know of any formal work on the subject, although I bet there 
is some.

GHC's current algorithm does not run functional dependencies sufficiently 
aggressively, because it treats fundeps a different kind of thing to class 
constraints.  Our new solver, long promised but still in the works, fully 
integrates type classes with type equalities (fundeps, type functions etc), and 
so should do a better job here.  Roughly speaking, the idea is to combine our 
ICFP'08 paper [1] with a type-class solver.  Since writing the ICFP'08 paper we 
have found some very useful simplifications; and we also have a new plan for 
the solving strategy "OutsideIn" [2].

That said, solving recursive problems is not our primary focus right now -- 
getting it working is -- so I can't promise that it'll do a better job, but I 
think it will.

| It seems we can convince GHC to do constraint reduction and
| improvement in the order we desire. The key is to use the
| continuation-passing style -- which forces things to happen in the
| right order, both at the run-time and at the compile time.

Oleg you are a master at persuading GHC's somewhat ad-hoc implementation to 
dance to your tune.  But it'd be better just to make the implementation more 
complete in the solutions it finds.  That's what we are working on now.


[1] http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/papers/assoc-types/index.htm
[2] http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/papers/gadt
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