Hi Guilherme,

the support for 'dotnet' FFI declarations isn't really there any longer,
having bitrotted badly and hasn't been in use for a number of years.
(I'd suggest removing the final vestiges of them from the codebase,

You may want to have a look at  http://haskell.forkIO.com/dotnet/


On 4/21/2009 18:56, Guilherme Oliveira wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm new to haskell and I'm trying to make some calls to static methods of the Microsoft .NET framework with GHC 6.10.2 but I'm getting the follwoing error:

    GHC error in desugarer lookup in main:Main:
     Failed to load interface for `GHC.Dotnet':
       There are files missing in the `base' package,
       try running 'ghc-pkg check'.
       Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
    ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
     (GHC version 6.10.2 for i386-unknown-mingw32):
    initDs IOEnv failure

My haskell code is this:

    {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

    module Main where

    import Prelude
    import Foreign

    foreign import dotnet "static foo" foo :: Int -> Int

    main = do print (foo 5)

To build the code above I'm doing like this: ghc -fvia-C Main.hs

Am I forgeting something? Does this version of GHC supports FFI for .NET?

Guilherme Oliveira
MSc Student, UFPE - Brazil


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