Simon Marlow wrote:

> This is a game for the whole family!  We don't care how much progress
> you make on each ticket, just as long as someone has taken a look and
> moved the ticket forward in some way.  For example, you might check
> for duplicates, update the metadata, ask for more information from
> the submitter, try to reproduce the bug against the latest version of
> GHC.     
> To claim a ticket all you have to do is remove it from the list on
> the wiki.  Full instructions are here 
> including a list of suggestions for ways to make progress on a ticket.

I've taken a look at a ticket and I think it should be closed as
invalid, but I hesitate to make that decision on behalf of the GHC
developers. What should I do in these circumstances, just draw it to
your attention? I have added a comment to the ticket explaining why. is the ticket in question.


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