Could I suggest that the following short text be included in the GHC
6.12.1 final release notes, in some form?

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Updating third-party packages

A number of packages will need modifying to build on GHC 6.12.1 (in
some cases, just modifying the dependencies in the .cabal file will suffice). 
If you fix someone else's open source Haskell library or application
so that it builds or works correctly on GHC 6.12.1, please help the Haskell
community by:

(a) publishing your changes as a patch or a repository, and adding a link
to them on this wiki page:
(You can email updates for that page to Robin Green
<> if you don't want to create a wiki account.)

(b) notifying the package's current maintainer/author (this information
may be found on the package's Hackage page, if it has one), specifying
where your changes may be found.

(c) removing your changes from the wiki page if/when they get included upstream

This will help to avoid duplicating our efforts.

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