The final stumbling block is getting the local webserver (hoogle server) to also search the above database. I'm sure there must be some simple way I can pass the name of the database as an argument when I boot up the server,
but I can't seem to find it...

Have you found the various versions of the web deployment procedure yet?

deploy.txt:  instructions to follow manually (seems to be up-to-date)   a shell script version to run locally (may be old)
Deploy.hs:   a haskell version to run remotely (may also be old)

Obviously those scripts are tailored to the official installation, but there are some clues in there, for instance the steps

cabal configure --datadir=/srv/web/ -- datasubdir=datadir -O2


Upload datadir/resources to /srv/web/ resources Upload datadir/databases/* to /srv/web/ databases


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