Ryan Newton <rrnewton <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I admit I'm a big fan of polymorphic extension.  But I
don't love it enough 
for it to impede progress!  
> Regarding extension:  In trying to read through all this
material I don't 
see a lot of love for "lacks" constraints a la TRex.  
> Cheers,
>   -Ryan
Hi Ryan, I think the "lacks" constraint is sadly
misunderstood, and in fact 
something like it will be needed eventually.

[A thousand apologies for the multiposts! somewhere between
gmaniac and pipermail,
 half my posts are going missing: I was only just warming up
this far. Try again ... again ... third time]

(If anybody who knows the internals of Hugs/TRex is
listening, it would be 
great to get confirmation of the following.)

As you say, it relates to whatever might happen for
polymorphic records, so is 
outside the scope of what SPJ is trying to address in this

On the other hand, let's try to avoid developing an approach
for 'Records in 
Haskell' that has to be undone when/if we get more

>From all the suggestions in the current thread, I'm
expecting the approach 
will include a Has class with methods get and set. It would
be sweet if in 
future the same Has class could be extended to extended(!)
records, anonymous 
records, renamed labels, projections on records, merged
records (as you'd get 
from a relational join), etc. Specifically:
      Has r l t => ...             really must mean 
         there's exactly one field labelled l in record r,
at type t
         (which is a constraint on whatever merged/extended
term r is)
compare TRex's
      (r\l) => ... Rec {| l : t | r |} ...   which really
         there's exactly one field labelled l in the Rec, at
type t

In hindsight, I think it was unfortunate that the original
TRex paper [1] used 
the word "lacks" in context of its notation for constraining
the record 
structure. (I'm looking especially at section 2.1 'Basic
Operations'.) In all 
the operations, the types always include a Rec term with
_both_ l and r. They 
don't all have a term of a 'bare':
      Rec {| r |}
TRex is trying to avoid a positional specification of the
record fields (which 
is 'implementation determined'/hidden from the programmer).
But I think of 'bare' r as representing a record with a
'hole' at
whatever position l is in the full record. (So the
constraint (r\l) means: you're
going to find a Rec with exactly one l in it; if you also
find a Rec with 'bare'
r, that means the same Rec, but with a 'hole'.)

The HList guys picked up the word "lacks", and adapted it
(successfully in 
context of what they were doing) to build 'Type Indexed
Hlist's -- that is, 
record-like structures with exactly one field labelled l.

Perhaps TRex should have used a notation something like:
       (rr :> l @ t) => Rec {| rr |} ...       -- HasUnique
rr l t
                   ... Rec {| rr \ l |} ...    -- rr with a
hole in place of l

You say:
>  As one anecdote, I've been very pleased using Daan
Leijen's scoped labels 
My anecdote: the new approaches and extensions to type
inference in GHCi have 
been frustratingly slow in arriving and maturing. But we now
have working 
superclass constraints, including type equality (~), and
some heavy-weight 
type inference. I've built a toy (and somewhat limited)
polymorphic record 
system (with Has/get/set), which:
    treats Data types as records; and
    treats tuples as anonymous (type-indexed) records; and
    implements project, extend and merge.
It relies on overlapping instances (so I don't mention it in
polite company -- 
at least it doesn't use FunDeps to boot!). I achieve the
effect of 'HasUnique' 
through instance resolution: if there's more than one
occurence of label l in 
the record term, GHC bitches. (This is fragile: I can't use
IncoherentInstances, and sometimes UndecidableInstances
gives trouble.)

[1] A Polymorphic Type System for Extensible Records and
Variants, Gaster/Mark 
P. Jones, 1996.

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