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On Feb 14, 2012, at 3:00 AM, Roman Leshchinskiy <> wrote:

> On 13/02/2012, at 11:10, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>> |  Should there perhaps be a NewTypeable module which could then be renamed
>> |  into Typeable once it is sufficiently well established?
>> I started with that idea, but there would be a 2-stage process:
>> * Step 1: (when PolyTypable becomes available) People change to import 
>> Data.PolyTypeable
>> * Step 2: (when PolyTypeable becomes Typeable) People change back to 
>> Data.Typeable
> The problem is that libraries generally have to support multiple versions of 
> GHC and this would become harder. But that isn't too bad, preprocessor magic 
> solves it. It would be easier if we could define Typeable1 etc. as an alias 
> for Typeable (since they now mean the same thing) but we don't have class 
> aliases.

No, but we do have the ability to make type aliases for classes now that we 
have constraint kinds, and typeOf1, etc. are amenable to the same 
implementation technique as typeOf.

> My main objection is still the fact that a central library will now rely on a 
> highly experimental language feature which isn't even really available in a 
> GHC release yet (my understanding is that support for polykinds in 7.4 is 
> shaky at best). IMO, this should be avoided as a matter of policy. I realise 
> that others are much less conservative than me in this respect, though.
> Roman
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