Matthew Farkas-Dyck <strake888 <at>> writes:

> > I think you don't want all those type vars in your record decls -- but only
> > vars for the mutatable types, like this:
> >
> >   type R c = { X ::. Int, Y::. String, Z ::. c, ... }
> >
> > Then you don't need a Quasifunctor instance for every field, only the
> > mutatable ones.
> Yes, I know. That is just a very general example.
> > Oh, and how do you deal with multiple record constructors as in H98:
> >    data T a = T1 { x :: a, y :: Bool }
> >             | T2 { x :: a }
> >
> Not sure what you mean. With an argument of such a multiconstructed
> type, I would do as ever in Haskell: pattern-match.

So please show what record declarations look like. And how they get turned 
into Has instances. Your example decl on the wiki for R a b c is not valid 
Haskell. What's more the wiki hss it as a `type`. Did you mean a `data`? I'm 

> > You don't give full details for your Has instances, but presumably you'd do
> > the same equality constraint style as SORF and DORF.
> I assume you mean
> instance (v~a) => Has k v (R a) where ...
> I'm not sure why we need this, but I assume that we do, since it was
> written by SPJ, so yes.

Matthew, you really, really need to understand why SPJ put it that way, if you 
want your proposal to be taken seriously. He wasn't just making it up.

> > You don't show how you'd do record update.
> Yep. It's on the wiki.
> "qfmap X f r is r mutated by f at X"

So do you mean this is what developers put in the code?

> > what is the type for:
> >     r{ X = True }
> > That is: update record r, set its X field to True.
> This is written as
> qfmap X (const True) (r :: r) :: Quasifunctor X a Bool r s => s;

You mean this is what to put in the code?

DORF is getting beaten up for the amount of boilerplate the programmer is 
expected to add (for fieldLabels, etc.) I can't compare apples with apples for 
your proposal, because I can't see what the code looks like that would appear 
in the program.

So far (apart from Quasifunctor) all I can see is that you're varying the 
sugar, without adding anything to the semantics -- except you've not given the 
surface syntax, so I'm only guessing.


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