Disclaimer: I have worked on a few projects updating GHC itself; I have never 
used the GHC API.

You've asked for two different things: location information and type 
information in an AST.

The first is easy: it's already there, I believe. Many of the GHC types are 
prefixed with "L". By convention, an (LFoo a b) is a synonym for Located (Foo a 
b). Located, in turn, is defined as if by

> newtype Located e = L SrcSpan e

(Located is actually a synonym for something else, but this isn't important 
here.) So, every time you see a type prefixed with L in the AST, you have 
location information. These types are very prevalent, so I think you should be 
able to find what you're looking for. SrcSpan is in 
ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs, if you want to have a look.

As for types: this one is a little harder. Haskell code is translated into an 
internal language, variously called Core or System FC. The GHC type for Haskell 
expressions is HsExpr. The GHC type for FC expressions in CoreExpr. These types 
are quite different. FC expressions have explicit type annotations that can be 
extracted easily. Haskell expressions don't, as far as I know. As you might 
expect, FC expressions don't have location information,* so they may not be of 
much use to you. I don't know of a way to get a type of a HsExpr, but maybe 
someone else does.

*Though FC expressions don't have location information, FC expressions do 
contain Vars, which in turn contain Names, which in turn do contain location 
information. I don't know if this is the location of the declaration of the 
name or the use of the name, but you may find a useful nugget there.

Is it important that your tool produces Haskell source code? I believe there's 
a plugin architecture that would allow you to manipulate structures on their 
way through the compiler, if that solves your problem.

I hope this helps!

On Mar 13, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Craig Innes wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am not hugely familiar with compilers or the particulars of GHC, but am 
> interested in creating a few programs which manipulate Haskell source code in 
> particular ways. Two things I would like to be able to do are:
> - Swap every occurrence of a particular type for a different / dummy value of 
> that type.
> - Find the line / column number of every place a value of a particular type 
> is used
> From compiling Haskell programs, it seems clear that GHC performs type 
> checking, and when I get a compile error it is able extract line and column 
> information about where I had the error, so it appears as if GHC is 
> annotating the source with this information as it compiles.
> I am struggling to find a lot in the way of learning materials for GHC, but 
> from trawling through the API documentation (I am using GHC version 7.4.2), 
> it seems like I can generate an abstract syntax tree via the method:
> parseModule :: GhcMonad m => ModSummary -> m ParsedModule
> My question is this: what combination of functions do I have to use to get 
> not only an AST for my source, but an AST annotated with typing information 
> and line / column number annotations for values within it?
> Also, as I am a bit of a newbie to this whole GHC API thing, any pointers to 
> resources to learn more about it would be enormously appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Craig 
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