On May 31, 2014, at 1:12 AM, adam vogt <vogt.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> are
> there instances of (==) that behave differently from the poly-kinded
> version?


To be concrete, here would be the polykinded instance:

> type family EqPoly (a :: k) (b :: k) where
>   EqPoly a a = True
>   EqPoly a b = False
> type instance (a :: k) == (b :: k) = EqPoly a b

Note that this overlaps with every other instance -- if this were defined, it 
would be the only instance for (==).

Now, consider
> data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

Suppose I want
> foo :: (Succ n == Succ m) ~ True => ((n == m) :~: True)
> foo = Refl

This would not type-check with the poly-kinded instance. `Succ n == Succ m` 
quickly becomes `EqPoly (Succ n) (Succ m)` but then is stuck. We don't know 
enough about `n` and `m` to reduce further.

On the other hand, consider this:

> type family EqNat (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) where
>   EqNat Zero     Zero     = True
>   EqNat (Succ n) (Succ m) = EqNat n m
>   EqNat n        m        = False
> type instance (a :: Nat) == (b :: Nat) = EqNat a b

With this instance, `foo` type-checks fine. `Succ n == Succ m` becomes `EqNat 
(Succ n) (Succ m)` which becomes `EqNat n m`. Thus, we can conclude `(n == m) ~ 
True` as desired.

So, the Nat-specific instance allows strictly more reductions, and is thus 
preferable to the poly-kinded instance. But, if we introduce the poly-kinded 
instance, we are barred from writing the Nat-specific instance, due to overlap.

Even better than the current instance for * would be one that does this sort of 
recursion for all datatypes, something like this:

> type family EqStar (a :: *) (b :: *) where
>   EqStar Bool Bool = True
>   EqStar (a,b) (c,d) = a == c && b == d
>   EqStar (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = a == b
>   ...
>   EqStar a b = False

The problem is the (...) is extensible -- we would want to add new cases for 
all datatypes in scope. This is not currently possible for closed type 
families. Perhaps it would be an improvement to write the cases for all types 
in scope in Data.Type.Equality -- that is, the types exported from `base`.

I hope this is helpful. In any case, I will put some of the text in this email 
into the comments in Data.Type.Equality for the next person who looks.

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